About Avicenna

About Avicenna

Your premiere telemedicine & telehealth provider

Avicenna has long been our inspiration in excellence and distinction in the field of medicine. Our team strives to follow the footsteps to revive the legacy of Avicenna as a global figure who enhanced the landscape of medicine. At the center of medical history is our namesake Avicenna (also known as Ibn Sina). 

Our Inspiration

Our story is as significant as the many accomplishments Avicenna has contributed to the history of medicine. Avicenna was the most renowned physician of his time and the most influential philosopher-scientist in medieval Islamic civilization era. His book “Canon of Medicine” is at the foundation of the standards used for medical teachings in Europe. 

His impact was boundless as a luminary in the field of medicine during the West’s Dark Ages. Avicenna’s endless medical innovations and contributions provided the means necessary to preserve the Greek and Islamic Medical heritage well into the Renaissance Era. In modern medicine, the healthcare system deliver in the United States is littered with shortcomings and inefficiencies. 

We aim to emulate the pioneering qualities of Avicenna to enhance the healthcare industry, improve efficiency, compensate for shortcomings, and provide unparalleled service. 

Our Vision

We, at Avicenna, relentlessly strive to be the leading healthcare entity to transform people's lives through a compassionate and comprehensive individualized care.

Our Mission

We are committed to enhancing people's well-being by providing widely accessible, high-quality, efficient, cost-effective, patient-centered, holistic health care. 

Our Values


"Whoever saves a life; it is as though he had saved all humankind." 


"When any one of us does a job, it should be perfected." 


"Whoever does an atom's weight of goodness, will see it." We take pride in our perseverance to spread trustworthiness, yet we hold ourselves accountable and accept responsibility for our actions and activities.


People are diverse and have differences that complement each other through collaboration. 

States We Serve

States in orange : States with COVID-19 licensing waiver.

States in green : States with permanent license.

Map of United States and States Avicenna serves

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